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John Potts Estate Harps - Golden Melodys for Parts only

Blue Moon Harmonicas LLC

  • $ 10000

GM for Parts.  This is a collection of ten Golden Melodys that should be considered For Parts Only.  The keys include G, Ab, A, Bb, B, D, Eb, E (2) and F. These are very old harps.  The earliest Golden Melodys had covers that were fastened to the comb with pins and reed plates that were also fastened to the comb with pins.  The next iteration featured covers that were fastened with screws and reed plates fastened with pins.  Ultimately, the entire harmonica was assembled with screws.  Three of these harmonicas, the Ab, Bb and F have pinned covers and pinned reed plates.  The rest of screwed covers and pinned reed plates.  My guess is that they were made in the 1970s.  $100

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